Tuesday, July 22, 2008

CAMP GRAMMA 2008 - We Are Family

Rog & I spent Monday getting things ready around our place for Camp Gramma 2008. By 11:30 a.m., the first of our campers had arrived and others were following close behind. Everyone was so excited - especially the cousins - they couldn't wait. For the first time all summer, an ice cream truck drove by our house ringing his bell and of course the kids were sure it was meant for them:)

they are enjoying the treats

Below they are setting up the 2 tents for the boys
there will be 10 boys plus grandpa in these tents

Supper was our first meal and first official Camp Gramma activity

then we had our first meeting or orientation time
Our theme this year
"We Are Family"

the group of 17 campers in their shirts & visors

the girl's tent(dormitory)
in previous years the girls stayed in the playhouse but this year we wanted the playhouse to be available for playing all the time so decided the have the girls in a tent as well - there were 8 of us in the girl's tent

our newest fun thing - our trampoline

we have a new slide because the old one finally cracked and grandpa also put a roof on the little fort

our cafeteria below

Trevin lounging in front of the playhouse above

the swimming pool is a busy place since the weather turned terribly hot just for Camp Gramma

playing table games

Tuesday Morning(6:30 a.m.)
The picture below is what we found after gramma & grandpa quietly left our tents to go in and get started on the day and returned very shortly to check on the grandkids. They were full of energy and ready to go.

the boys and a couple of the girls went fishing and you can see that on June's account of Camp Gramma but below you can see that the girls and gramma, Julie, Susan, Elisa, and Melanie went to the water park

Raegan - Brooklyn - and Molly
at the water park (in the background you can see Ella & Eli)

We finished up Tuesday by going to Trevin's baseball game and then coming home and having a short meeting and some treats
The Hutchinson News dropped in for a visit this afternoon so we understand there will be an article in Wednesday's paper