Wednesday, June 24, 2009


These boys are 12 years old today. Can you believe it? Brendon & Caleb are best buddies and we have trouble once in a while calling them by the wrong name. They are wonderful grandsons and we enjoy having them around all the time. We love their sweet spirits, their gratefulness, their love, and their helpfulness to us and we are anxious to see what God has in store for them. We love you Brendon and Caleb and hope you had a wonderful birthday.


opening grandma and grandpa's box

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today is Greg's birthday and he is 32 years old. We appreciate having him around and as I write he is helping Rog clean up the mess in our front yard from the storm last night. Greg is in the process of laying a wood floor in his home and is a fireman when he is not working at home. We love you Greg and are thankful for the wonderful husband,dad, and son-in-law that you are.



We were in our basement with the tornado sirens blaring. The wind was awful so I thought we might be in trouble but the house was fine - the trees were not.

We had 90 mph winds and 3 inches of rain so it is pretty wet around here with water standing in the streets.

The trampoline was moved to the back of the yard with the wind and the backyard is a swamp.

The pool was overflowing

Our maple tree lost 2 big branches - probably 1/3 of it gone - one of them on our roof and one in our neighbor's driveway

blew over the polycart and the water is standing by our house

neighbors across the street lost their bradford pear tree

Monday, June 08, 2009


Today has been a busy day - Caleb & Trevin are assembling the ladder for our new pool.

Rog & Greg are getting the new pool set up and I didn't get Brendon in the picture but he was helping them as well. The pool is 18' x 48" so should have quite a bit more room for all the grandkids. It is only taking 12 hrs. to fill:)

It is all set up and will be filling the rest of the day. It was a perfect day to set it up.

Below is our new sand box - we intended to have it there a long time ago but better late than never. The cover is only temporary but the cats are roaming around so thought we better put something over it until we get the real cover finished.

Hope our grandkids will enjoy the improvements. We sure are!