Thursday, November 16, 2006


The picture is taken in the missionary home of Steve & Kristi Edgren and below is a note from the Edgren family where the Ecuador Team stayed with that sums up what the team's activities were while visiting Ecuador.

The real highlight of our last 3 weeks was having the group here from Wichita, Kansas. During the 10 days they were here, they along with Scott were able to minister in 3 different churches. First they visited Catarama, a small coastal town. It was hot and they were warmly received, even being invited one evening to the wedding of a couple in the church. The pastor's wife cooked for them and they stayed in different church members' homes. Because of low water supply, part of the group learned to shower dumping water over their heads.

The second church they visited was in a small Quichua community named Pueblo Viejo up in the mountains. As they started presenting the material in this church, they soon realized that many of the people were not understanding the Spanish, so another man began translating everything into the Quichua language as well. That meant that everything went from English to Spanish to Quichua. This community of Quichua still lives very simply and was the most different from the U.S. but gave their best as they fed the group lunch, piling their plates full.

Kristi and the kids were glad to have them arrive back in Quito for the remainder of their time here in Ecuador. They had a couple of days free and we were able to do some fun things: shopping at a market, seeing historical downtown Quito, visiting the equator and taking cable cars up the side of a mountain overlooking the city of Quito.

Here in Quito, the group gave a conference at our church, Renacimiento. Thank you, Dave, Roger, Steve and Roxane, for coming and encouraging our fellow believers here in Ecuador and for being an encouragement to us as well. Please pray for all 3 of lthe churches that they will be able to apply what was taught. Some difficult yet practical subjects were addressed such as forgiveness and spiritual warfare.