Thursday, November 23, 2006


This is our Thanksgiving feast with 24 at our table - 13 adults & 11 grandkids

Ella looked so pretty with her faux fur vest but would not let me have a picture without her beautiful mommy with her.

One of the favorite toys in our yard is the big blue van. Because it was a lovely spring-like day, we spent part of the afternoon outside and the kids loved it.

After lunch today, Aunt Berta wanted to have her Christmas with all the kids since she and Don will not be here for Christmas.

After the Christmas presents were opened, gramma got to enjoy reading the new books to Meryn and Meredith.

Meryn is giving little cousin Ethan a ride in the favorite blue van.

Some were playing with the Thomas train set in our basement.

The guys were having a basketball game in the driveway trying to avoid the little ones as they played.

Meryn and Ethan again

John is bring a bike out to the kids and he decided his legs were to long to ride it.

We had a wonderful time and thank God for all the blessings of the past year.