Saturday, October 07, 2006


For the last several weeks, we have been going to Wichita one night a week so that the Ecuador team can make plans for their time in Ecuador. They have shared their testimonies, prayed, and studied the Scriptures together. It has been a great bonding time and we pray that the Lord will use them to honor His work in Ecuador.

Dave Oldham is on the left and is the pastor of an Evangelical Free Church in Wichita. Steve & Roxane Turner are members of his church and are excited about sharing Christ. Flavio is the man on the right and has been a pastor for 40 years and only speaks Spanish so he brings a member of his family to interpret for him. I wept as I heard Flavio's testimony last night. He is a man of God and has been through rough waters. I'm sure God will use each one for His glory.

Rog shared his testimony as well and for some who haven't heard, I will share a little of it. At the age of 6-8, he would listen to the Gospel being preached on HCJB (coming out of Quito, Ecuador) on a shortwave radio that they had in their home. They were not attending a Gospel preaching church so he was anxious to hear all he could. The actual people speaking were coming from Back to the Bible in Lincoln, Nebraska, which was only a couple of hours from where he lived but he was hearing it all the way from Quito, Ecuador. He also had been inspired by Jim Elliott's life and Ecuador is where Jim ministered and gave his life for the Gospel. Dave just invited Rog to go with them to Ecuador and share some material he has written and had no idea what a meaningful experience this would be for him. We sense God's leading and He has abundantly supplied for the trip. I will share more when they return.