Saturday, July 15, 2006


We have been spending some time getting ready for Camp Gramma. We have the zipline up and running but still need to build the platform in the tree and the swimming pool has been nice and cool on these terribly hot days. Today we spent time(actually Rog) getting electricity out to the playhouse and getting lights into the playhouse where the girls will be sleeping. The next thing we need to do is get the playhouse painted(that project is well overdue). I cleaned the swing off on the patio with steel wool and will be painting it with a varnish like paint tomorrow. Hopefully we will have a new cover for our hot tub by then as well and everything should be in pretty good shape.


Anonymous said...

If you take the swing down and varnish it in the garage, the heat plus the varnish fumes will probably give you a good buzz. At least that's what Greg said he does.

Allah said...

nice post
Walatra Bersih Wanita

penyakit jantung bocor said...

nice your article

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Walatra Berry Jus