Thursday, July 08, 2010


Our "Camp Gramma 2010" has come to an end and we had such a wonderful time. Yes, it was wet, wet, wet and looked like a lot of our plans would have to change but we were flexible and made other plans. The boys stayed in the garage at night instead of tents and the girls were in the basement. The boys did not have the luxury of air conditioning but they really didn't complain.

Our group at the beginning of Camp Gramma

Below is a gym where we took the kids to play the first day. They also went out on a football field and played kick ball and several tried to kick a field goal.

Brooklyn just couldn't last through the evening meeting after all the activity of the day.

The trampoline was used a lot when there was free time in the back yard.

The kids always love the zipline and had to be encouraged to stop.

Every year the grandkids want to go to the bridge over highway 61 & 30th to see how many trucks they can get to honk for them.

We had a few little ones that we really didn't want in the big pool so we had a kiddy pool for them. (do you think they had enough things in it)

On Tuesday morning they went fishing with Grandpa.

Tuesday afternoon we visited a nearby farm and the grandkids were treated to horse riding, wagon rides, feeding the goats, chasing the chickens, and they had snacks for the kids which I think they cleaned up all of them. It was a special time.

Raegan was afraid to ride the horse alone so Gramma rode with her.(It's been 35 years since I was on a horse last)

We visit the Rolling Hills Zoo & Museum near Salina on Wednesday morning.

They had a tram that we rode on all around the zoo.

Here we all are at Kids Country at the zoo

When we left the zoo, we went into Salina to visit the grave site of Great Grandpa Tucker. The grandkids had lots of questions and wanted to put flowers there.

Then we came back to Hutch and ate dinner and then got the kids ready for church at Berean and they shared some verses and singing for our church family.

We came back to the house after church and had our meeting by the bonfire. Some kids shared and we sang and then closed with prayer. We roasted marshmallows and helped the kids make smores.

It was such a fun time and now camp gramma is over and we are already looking forward to next year.


Elisa Seaba said...

The kids had a great time!! Thank you both SO much for all you did! You always make the week so special! The kids are going to have such great memories of this!!

Jason and Sadie said...

Oh how I remember standing on that stage. And I also have loads of hot, sticky memories from the Neir back yard. Thank you for sharing all these years!

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nice post
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