Saturday, July 24, 2010


Today we decided we could not wait any longer. Mom's beautician is in the hospital and so Mom's haircut was cancelled 2 weeks ago and rescheduled for yesterday. We received a call that her beautician was still ill so Mom decided she would take her chances and let me cut it. I used to cut our daughters'(4) hair but have gotten a little rusty but thought I could handle it. I did have to get some new scissors though because the pair I used on the girls chews more than cuts.
We went to a shady spot in the back yard and trimmed enough hair to make a wig for a child. I think Mom was a little worried that I was chopping too much but I assured her it was fine. Then we went inside and shampooed and set. She sits outside for her drying process. Then we combed it out and she looked in the mirror and acted shocked. That of course makes me feel good. Looks pretty nice if I do say so myself.
I love you Mom. Love to be able to help you.