Monday, August 13, 2007


Rog left Friday morning to go to KC with Greg & Susan and their kids. He planned to go to the Royals game on Friday night with all his sons and sons-in-law. They all went and had a good time but the Royals lost. The next night John & Melanie & Ella took him with them to the second Royals game and that night it was televised so we were able to see him since he was seated right behind home plate and up a few rows. John even brought Ella down so we could see her on television too. The Royals did win their game Saturday night.

Today Rog rode back to Hutchinson with June and her 5 children. They are here to spend a week with us while their house is getting some new carpet. Below you see some new faces in our swimming pool. They were ready to swim when they arrived and spent most of the afternoon in the pool.

Molly wanted to swim too but she is too little for our bigger pool so we got one just for her.

Molly loves to swing so while grandpa was hanging the swing above, gramma was swinging her below.