Monday, August 06, 2007


Today was the day that they called and said they were coming to take our old storage shed away. It was put in our yard before the fence was built so no truck had to squeeze through the gate back then. It was purchased in 1982 so has been with us for 25 years and was showing its wear around the bottom edges. We traded the shed in on a new and bigger shed so it will be refurbished and resold as a used storage shed.

Below you see the sturdi-built truck and trailer that came to take it away. The trailer is quite the trailer - it has 2 sets of wheels so it can be moved easily in a small place without much squirming around with the truck - remote control and all. Only one man took care of the whole process.

You see it being loaded onto the truck and Dean Melton was doing it all with a remote in his hands. Below it is on the trailer and is ready to be hauled away.

Below you can see the wheels that are underneath the trailer and when they raise the main trailer wheels up and put the smaller ones down, the whole direction of the trailer can be changed without the truck doing anything.
We had to chop down a few of our cannas so the driver could see where he was at going out through the gate.

It was a very tight fit but big enough to get the vehicle & trailer through.

Pulling away behind our fence into the church parking lot behind our house

Leaving through the Eastwood Church of Christ parking lot

We were not expecting to have the new shed coming for a couple more weeks but today they asked if it would work for them to come this week. They will be coming to build it on site in one day so watch for the update on that.