Monday, November 01, 2010


This past weekend, two of our sons-in-law headed up a project that was long overdue. You remember that at "camp gramma" time we had an abundance of rain and when that happens, we have water standing in the backyard - therefore we could not have the tents for our grandchildren in the backyard. There is a pipe underground that drains water from our backyard and our neighbor's backyard out to the street in front of our house. It has not been working due to tree roots and dirt plugging it.
Phil & Julie and their children came to see us so that Phil & Greg could help Rog replace the pipe. They did a lot of digging and Owen, Brendon, Caleb, and Trevin helped some too.

Owen & grandpa are down in the trench trying to loosen the pipe.

Here they are busy digging.

Trevin & Owen carrying off the old pipe.

There was some cement work to do around the drains so the twins left their mark.

Inside the house Brooklyn, Susan, Julie, and Gramma were making apple dumplings. Brooklyn was enjoying the flour by putting some on the board for me and twice as much on herself. Guess I didn't get a picture of Susan & Julie but they were a big help in getting the job done. We enjoyed the apple dumplings for lunch and even had some left over to freeze. We made 2 big batches and I still have quite a few apples left to make more desserts.


penyakit jantung bocor said...

Terimakasih informasi yang Anda bagikan begitu berguna:) ditunggu updatean selanjutnya gan :)

faktor penyebab benjolan di leher said...

Thanks for information

jual obat herbal said...

Pentingnya Menjaga Pola Hidup Sehat
10 Manfaat Daun Sirsak Untuk Kesehatan
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Walatra Squalene Softgel Minyak Hati Ikan Hiu Terbaru
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Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Diabetes

suplemen penafsu makan said...

Selamat datang di situs website resmi pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikan suatu informasi mengenai Cara Menambah Nafsu Makan Anak. Langsung saja kita simak berikut dibawah ini.
Suplemen Penambah Nafsu Makan Anak
Cara Menambah Nafsu Makan Anak

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Walatra Berry Jus

anak susah makan said...

Penambah Nafsu Makan
Penyebab Anak Susah Makan
Cara Menambah Nafsu Makan Anak

menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi said...

Sukses terus agan:)
Cara Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi
Obat Darah Tinggi

tips menurunkan darah tinggi said...

tips ini semoga bermanfaat untuk para pembaca

walatra squalene softgel said...

Thanks for information:)

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Obat Alami Kanker Payudara Stadium 2

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Batuk Menahun

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Kanker Paru Paru
Obat Kanker Paru Paru
Obat Kanker Paru Paru

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Tipes Paling Manjur
Obat Tipes Paling Manjur
Obat Tipes Paling Manjur

Gina Ulfa said...

Obat Benjolan Tanpa Operasi
Obat Benjolan Tanpa Operasi
Obat Benjolan Tanpa Operasi
Obat Benjolan Tanpa Operasi
Obat Benjolan Tanpa Operasi
Obat Benjolan Tanpa Operasi
Obat Benjolan Tanpa Operasi