Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Dad turned 91 yesterday, November 18th. We celebrated by having dinner together last evening with the folks and Greg & Susan's family. We decided to stay home and grill instead of trying to go out. Mom made him an angel food cake. We had a precious time of singing choruses around the table when we finished our meal. Dad is battling some confusion but had no confusion about singing the old choruses. We love you Dad and wish you a very Happy Birthday!



June Duehring said...

I was thinking of you yesterday, Grampa. I hope you had a special day. Happy Birthday.


Marilee We Roll Along said...

Happy Birthday, Bill! I can't believe that it has been a year since we got to celebrate your 90th. We love you and treasure many happy memories and times shared by our families. You were always such a great song leder and I'm certain that you once again led in singing the choruses--just like you did for so many years.

Neirly News said...

I'm two days late but wanted to say happy birthday and trust your enjoying your very mature age! haha Hope your week is going well and know that we love you! We'll look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and tell everyone I said hi. Love you

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Obat Gendang Telinga Bocor

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Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Herbal Sakit Ginjal

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Batuk Menahun
Obat Batuk Menahun
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Obat Batuk Menahun