Monday, July 09, 2007

HARVEST TIME (for gardening)

If you wonder where I've been, I've been picking and snapping green beans for long periods of time for the past couple of weeks. The rain has kept everything nice and green and the harvest has been plentiful. We down sized in our garden this year but what we planted it booming.

Below is our tomato plants and we are just about ready to start canning tomatoes.

Next you see the green beans - the plants are doing so well that you cannot see the dirt between the rows. I've spent about 3 different times picking beans for 2 hours on these 3 rows.

We pulled up all the beets and have 10 quarts of pickled beets.

Just started today getting more tomoatoes than we can eat in a day or two so will begin canning those soon.

Here are the green beans that we canned today. Each day I have picked beans, we have been able to can 14 quarts. So far we have 39 quarts put up and we want to get at least 50 quarts. Don't think we will have any problem with the way out plants look.

Later this week the rest of our corn will be ready. The first batch we just ate but we will probably freeze most of the next batch.