Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Today is Mom's 89th birthday. She has been living with us for nearly 3 years now and we are so glad that she is here with us. We decided we would celebrate this big day all week so Monday morning Rog went to get the beautiful roses that we knew Dad would want her to have so she could enjoy them all week. Then Monday night we took her to Olive Garden to enjoy lasagna which is one of her favorites. Today we fixed sweet and sour chicken over rice which is another of her favorites and a friend baked her an oatmeal cake for lunch. She has received calls and cards so her day today has been special. We love you Mom and hope you have a very good day and we are so glad to have you with us.

twelve beautiful roses



The Lanker Family said...

Happy Birthday Grandma, we love you very much & hope you had a great day!!

Marilee We Roll Along said...

Happy, happy birthday, Caryl!! You are beautiful as are your roses! I like the idea of celebrating all week! I love you so much and think of ALL the happy times shared through the years. Love, Marilee

Neirly News said...

Grandma I think its too late to call so wanted to wish you a special Happy Birthday and trust this next year has special memories in store for you. Thank you for all your thoughts & prayers. I love you and am thankful for you! Have a wonderful week Love Roger

Elisa Seaba said...

Happy Birthday Grandma! I hope you have had a special day! I love you very much! Elisa

Unknown said...

nice post
Obat Darah Tinggi Terampuh

Unknown said...

nice post gan
Obat Maag Kronis

benjolan di leher said...

his article is very inspiring. Thank you so much :)

penyakit jantung bocor said...

wait for the next update :)

Unknown said...

Walatra G Sea

menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi said...

Sukses terus agan:)
Cara Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi
Obat Darah Tinggi

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Lemah Jantung
Obat Lemah Jantung
Obat Lemah Jantung
Obat Lemah Jantung
Obat Lemah Jantung

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Asam Lambung
Obat Asam Lambung
Obat Asam Lambung
Obat Asam Lambung

Agen Obat Herbal Walatra said...

Obat Sakit Gigi